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All of us banjo players have our favorite tunings, especially for clawhammer. A most useful link with many tunings is Anita Kermode's on Donald Zepp's site. Recently Art Rosenbaum published a book with 42 tunings to explore. I mostly use the following tunings:
Open G or A: gDGBD, aEAC#E
Double C or D: gCGCD, aDADE
Sawmill: gDGCD
Old G: gDGBE
Little Birdie: eCGAD

Banjo Tunings
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The video tunes use these tunings, including some unusual ones:
gDGBD -- Waynesboro
gDGBbD -- Goodbye My Honey I'm Gone
fDGCD -- Horses in the Canebrake
f#CEAD -- A Big Win (original)
gCGCE -- Cattlettsburg
f#F#F#C#E -- Tracks (original) (4th string is octave below 3rd)
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